Reports until 12:29, Wednesday 01 December 2010
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:29, Wednesday 01 December 2010 (382)
HAM8&9 Passive Seismic Isolation Stack Removal
(Andres, Corey, Dale (photog),Jeff, Travis, Rodney, Zach)

During Thanksgiving week, the HAM8 & HAM9 in-vacuum optical tables had their payloads removed (i.e. MC2, MMT2, RM, telescope, etc.).

HAM9 SEI Passive Stack Removal
On Tues, the HAM9 Passive Stack (Optical table, masses, & springs) was removed.  Everything was removed up to the Support Table; it was kept in to maintain a rigid connection of the Support Tubes (until HEPI is installed).

For this Passive Stack removal, we did so with only one HAM door off.  This only proved to be an issue for removing the HAM Leg Screws on the Masses which were on the side of the HAM away from the open door.  To get to the other side of the chamber, one had to rock climb over a corner of the Optics Table to get into the tube between HAM9 & BSC4 & then climb over another corner of the Optics Table to get on the "back side" of the HAM.  HAM Screws were removed from this side (ribbon cable was also "cut" so as not to interfere with anything upon removal of the Optics Table).  So this maneuver set us back an extra 30 min.

After this, it was smooth sailing.  

Lifting up the Optics Table was interesting.  The all the viton seats were really pressed up against all the metal such that as we lifted the Optics Table everything stuck together for a few seconds and then noticeably bounced as soon as all the viton unstuck itself.  

The Optics Table & Masses were all set directly on the floor in the North end of the LVEA.  HAM9 work probably occurred from 8:30-10:45.  We could have continued with HAM8, but rumors of nasty winter weather (Hanford was having an early release), led us to hold off HAM8 until Wed.  

We did do some staging for HAM8 since we were inside HAM9.  The Baffle in between HAM8/9 was removed.  This was so we could climb to the back of HAM8 and remove its Leg Screws.

HAM8 SEI Passive Stack Removal
With our veteran crew and the staging from Tuesday, HAM8 went even smoother.  We were roughly in the chamber from 8:50-9:45.

So, with HAM9's stack removed, there is clear access to BSC4/HAM10.  Our HAM9/8 material is all in the LVEA North Bay and is ready to be removed.  Since none of it is subscribed, we will lay it all outside for pick-up by the recyclers.
Images attached to this report