Reports until 21:20, Friday 10 August 2012
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:20, Friday 10 August 2012 (3822)
OAT locking - not locked

I reset all the watch dogs on the ITM HPI and ISI. ITM ISI is in damping state. Didn't press the isolate stage command.

I try to lock the arm (remotely), but it seems that H2:ALS-Y_FIBR_SERVO_FASTMON (e.g. the CMB-A fast output, which is the fiber locking feedback signal to the laser PZT) is railed at -10V. The beatnote frequency readout is at 60 MHz, but not sure if that is real or not. Should go out to EY to make sure all is well. (PS. to engage the fiber locking open the 'Laser' screen and press 'on' at the lower left).

I turned off the FIBR servo (CMB-A), to make sure the temperature doesn't walk away.

The OAT RefCav monitor signal seems to be ok (~0.1 mW).