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Reports until 08:29, Thursday 02 December 2010
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:29, Thursday 02 December 2010 (384)
BSC4 Deinstall: all but LOS removed yesterday
- Jim, Mitchell, Jodi, Zach, Rodney, Patrick, Cheryl

Removed all beam dumps and steering mirrors from BSC4.  All items were moved from BSC4 through HAM9 and out of the vacuum system. 

H2 beamsplitter was removed and placed in a "cake tin."  There was a small hitch in securing the optic when the black rubber on one of the three support legs seemed to get in the way - issue resolved by looking at an ITM cake tin and seeing that the black rubber on that one was zip tied out of the way.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.