Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 17:22, Tuesday 14 August 2012
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:22, Tuesday 14 August 2012 (3846)
h2iscey channel renaming finalised

Finalised the name changes in the h2iscey model, and commited the model to svn. The following filter module name changes are made

  1. _CM_PDH -> _REFL
  2. _CM_PHASE -> _FIBR
  7. _PDH_DC -> _REFL_A_PWR

The model compiled and was installed.

Update MEDM Screens

I modified the following adl files


This was done with sed string replacement:

sed -i -e 's/_CM_PDH/_REFL/' -e 's/_CM_PHASE/_FIBR/' -e 's/_REFL_PWR_MON/_REFL_B_PWR/' -e 's/_IR_PWR_MON/_LASER_IR_PWR/' -e 's/_GR_PWR_MON/_LASER_GR_PWR/' -e 's/_BB_PWR_MON/_FIBR_A_PWR/' -e 's/_PDH_DC/_REFL_A_PWR/' OAT.adl

I then hand edited the 'column buttons' to reflect the filter names.

Update filter files

I modified the following file


first I made a copy, cp H2ISCEY.txt H2ISCEY.txt.20120814bak, then did the sed thing again,

sed -i -e 's/_CM_PDH/_REFL/' -e 's/_CM_PHASE/_FIBR/' -e 's/_REFL_PWR_MON/_REFL_B_PWR/' -e 's/_IR_PWR_MON/_LASER_IR_PWR/' -e 's/_GR_PWR_MON/_LASER_GR_PWR/' -e 's/_BB_PWR_MON/_FIBR_A_PWR/' -e 's/_PDH_DC/_REFL_A_PWR/' H2ISCEY.txt

Restore EPICS values

Used a snap file from 5am this morning and did a sed thing, and burt restored the system.

cp /ligo/cds/lho/h2/burt/2012/08/13/05:00/h2isceyepics.snap /ligo/home/bram.slagmolen/work/h2isceyepics_20120814_05am.snap

sed -i -e 's/_CM_PDH/_REFL/' -e 's/_CM_PHASE/_FIBR/' -e 's/_REFL_PWR_MON/_REFL_B_PWR/' -e 's/_IR_PWR_MON/_LASER_IR_PWR/' -e 's/_GR_PWR_MON/_LASER_GR_PWR/' -e 's/_BB_PWR_MON/_FIBR_A_PWR/' -e 's/_PDH_DC/_REFL_A_PWR/' h2isceyepics_20120814_05am.snap

burtwb -f h2isceyepics_20120814_05am.snap

Analyses channels

To monitor if the arm cavity is locked the channel name has changed (for the last time!!), the new channel is,

H2:ALS-Y_REFL_B_PWR_OUT - it has a 100 Hz low-pass filter.

Values between 4000 and 9000 represents a locked cavity, with a higher value better alignments. The units are counts, and are arbitrary as we apply an offset to the input to make it zero when the cavity is off resonance, and then we have a gain of -1. So, when we bring the cavity on resonance the output goes up.

The cavity lenght error point is still,

H2:ALS-Y_ARM_LONG_IN1 - and is in units of [nm].

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.