Reports until 16:56, Tuesday 14 August 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Tuesday 14 August 2012 (3849)
maintenance summary

Jeff and myself: reverted h1susmc2 and h1suspr2 models back to early last week before the latest L1 models were tried.

The h1sush34 IOP WATCHDOG was disabled. This means that the DACKILL on h1sush34 cannot be triggered by bad MC2 or PR2 OSEM signals. This was interfering with commissioning of these optics while MC2 is in chamber and PR2 is chamber side. I will keep the workpermit for this variance open until the WATCHDOG is restored.

I tried to take the L1 latest l1susim model and convert it to H1. When I tried to run it spectacular things happened:

The new l1susim required a C-code file ATAN.c which I brought up from LLO.

I ended up reverting to my original h1susim model (itself a L1 copy done in June) and restarted all SUS and SEI models to clear the errors. I'll work with David Feldbaum on the new model at a time when losing PR2, MC2 and PSL data is not so disruptive.