Reports until 12:40, Thursday 02 December 2010
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:40, Thursday 02 December 2010 - last comment - 13:04, Thursday 02 December 2010(386)
HAM10 deinstall (Rodney, Zach, Dani, Matt, Keita)
We deinstalled all optics from HAM10. 

Main things were output Faraday, three sets (one AS and two POs) of beam reducing telescope, periscopes, and beam handling mirrors. These were all inventoried by Dani.

Faraday, AS periscope and AS beam handling mirrors were stored in one of the ISC/squeezer cabinets, others are still on the table near HAM8/9.

AS telescope is on the table by HAM8/9 under the clean room, but the PO telescopes are left on the support table of HAM9 because we didn't have any room outside to put them down.

We accessed HAM10 from HAM9 through BSC4. The picture taken from BSC4 shows Matt and Rodney working in HAM10.
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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 13:04, Thursday 02 December 2010 (387)
There were several long fibers dangling from the upper table of BS in BSC4. They looked as if they were ripped off of bunny suits.

After all these years out-gasing, probably they've become ultra high vacuum compatible lints (but this time let's not repeat this).

Pictures show two particularly long ones. I took one sample out of chamber but it was somehow lost during moving things around.
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