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Reports until 13:47, Wednesday 15 August 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:47, Wednesday 15 August 2012 (3860)
WHAM2 ISI Elevation Set
CoreyG HughR

We had done some large horizontal moves of the ISI per IAS (Initial Alignment) on Aug 1.  So after that we wanted to check the elevation.  It was still pretty close: 0.9mm low at worse with a range of 0.4mm level.  The vertical was tweaked to desired elevation +-0.1mm: -252.9(LIGO Global--E1000403)+12.5(Global to local--T1100187)=-240.4mm.

To Do list for SEI at HAM2: Respond to IAS with HEPI moves.  Iterate Horizontal/Vertical adjustments.  When good, attach HEPI Actuators, recheck with IAS.
Meanwhile--fine tune ISI lock/unlock balance.  Test ISI in prep for SUS payload.  Unload dummy payload when testing complete.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.