Reports until 17:32, Wednesday 15 August 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:32, Wednesday 15 August 2012 (3861)
H1 SUS PR2 Phase 2B Damping ON/OFF Spectra
In order to complete the individual data set for H1 SUS PR2's phase 2B testing, I attach the amplitude spectral densities of all stages of OSEMs. Tough to determine anything from these plots:
 - there's so many dang plots,
 - one is only comparing damping ON vs OFF, so you're only looking for "do the damping loops
       - Damp the resonances
       - Add any unexpected additional noise at any stage"
but given those limited criteria, the answer is "looks fine..."

Stay tuned for comparison with other spectra and a more concrete/final answer.
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