Reports until 18:48, Thursday 16 August 2012
david.feldbaum@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:48, Thursday 16 August 2012 (3878)
IO Faraday Isolator Assembly
This morning Deepak brought several parts for the IO Faraday Isolator which had just come out of the bake oven, and I began putting the FI together. The assembly was performed in the H2 PSL enclosure, and so far does not include any optics, so it really is a "fit test". Everything fits, although some mods have to be made compared to the FI mechanical assembly E0900301-v5:

1. Same as at LLO, the removal of aluminum shims from between the rotator magnet and the magnet base resulted in magnet not being solidly held by the omega-shaped clamps. Same as at LLO, this was solved by inserting the same shims between the magnet and the omega-clamps on the upper side of the magnet.
2. The spacer plate is much thicker at LHO, and so 1" long screws are way short for attaching the magnet assy and spacer to the breadboard. 2" long screws work better, and I'll need to get more of those from the SUS people tomorrow.
3. Same as '2' for the HWP picomotor assembly and insert.

This is close to what can be accomplished without inserting the optics.
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