Reports until 13:23, Friday 17 August 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:23, Friday 17 August 2012 (3884)
HAMISI#7 & BSC#4 Work

[This is for work from Thursday]

(corey, hugo, jim)

HAM-ISI#7:  Much of the day was devoted to helping out Hugo finish out items from his testing document (noting serial numbers, checking level, helping with tilt spectra measurements, etc.). 

BSC-ISI#4:  Optics Table Assy forklifted from granite table on to Stage0.  Blade Posts were helicoiled and (2) of them screwed on to Stage0 (not torqued though).  Did not put third one on because the dowel pin for it was a tight fit.

Images attached to this report