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Reports until 14:19, Wednesday 22 August 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:19, Wednesday 22 August 2012 - last comment - 14:45, Wednesday 22 August 2012(3936)
H1 SUS HAM2 user models broadcasting manufactured errors
The H1 suspensions on HAM2 are currently broadcasting a constant "0" as the watchdog state to other FrontEnds on the Dolphin network via an IPC library part. This value satisfies the HAM-ISI Simulink model condition for a "0" input in order to prevent the triggering of the "DACKILL" functionality. To further complicate the issue, the error signal from the receiving IPC part on the HAM-ISI model is currently reading out a non-zero error, meaning their is a communication issue on the Dolphin network.  A bypass on the receiving model ("h1isiham2") in the form of a constant "0" for the communication error will enable the functionality of actuation from the HAM-ISI user model.

The true watchdog signal from the SUS models will be broadcast as soon as the Dolphin network communication issue is resolved.

Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 14:45, Wednesday 22 August 2012 (3939)

h1isiham2.mdl was modified to apply a constant at the error input of the HAM2_PAYLOAD block (see attached picture). The constant value is 0. It corresponds to the Dolphin communication error value for the state of SUS model running

Modifications were commited to the SVN. The model was re-compiled, installed, and re-started.

It allowed untripping the ISI. Actuation is now possible. Actuators respond on all corners, and they appear to be correctly wired.


This modification of h1isiham2.mdl will have to be reversed when rcg is updated on site (planned for 08/28/2012). 

The modifications applied to SUS's models will need to be reversed when suspensions are installed on the ISI.

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