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Reports until 15:45, Wednesday 22 August 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:45, Wednesday 22 August 2012 (3944)
WHAM2 Post IAS ISI Elevation Set
JimW CoreyG HughR

With IAS signing off on position yesterday, we did a final check on elevation/leveling and did need to make some vertical adjustments.

We ended up with the Optical Table 0.1mm high at -240.3mm and level to 100urad (+-0.1mm)

These vertical adjustments barely moved the system horizontally--based on Dial Indicators the sw & se corners moved 1 & 2 mils (<0.05mm).

So we have locked up the HEPI and are now doing ISI measurements.  We will continue with ISI testing, then attached HEPI Actuators, followed by a post install (actuators) IAS check if dial indicator readings suggest it is warranted.

Attached is the surveying and dial indicator readings logbook page.
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