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Reports until 18:11, Wednesday 22 August 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:11, Wednesday 22 August 2012 - last comment - 10:23, Wednesday 29 August 2012(3948)
HAM2-ISI - Testing progress

Electronics were troubleshooted.

SEI and SUS models were arranged to allow un-tripping HAM2-ISI Payload Watchdogs.

HAM2 model was re-compiled, installed and re-started after that. It is now running.

Matrices were filled

Input and output filters are loaded

The latest version (Version_2) of the unit-specific control scripts were copied from LASTI. They were made ready for use on HAM2. 

Spectra were taken on the ISI tilted. It is the worse configuration for GS13s and they all appear to be working fine (see attached plot).

Transfer function measurements are running overnight.

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Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 16:45, Thursday 23 August 2012 (3965)

The transfer functions measured last night had features that are typical to mis-connected sensors/actuators. Deeper analysis allowed narrowing it down the the GS13s. 

We made a program to check for "cross-coupling transfer functions" (e.g. drive on H1, response on H2). It revealed that:

H1-GS13 was read on the channel of H3-GS13 
H2-GS13 was read on the channel of H1-GS13
H3-GS13 was read on the channel of H2-GS13
V1-GS13 was read on the channel of V3-GS13 
V2-GS13 was read on the channel of V1-GS13
V3-GS13 was read on the channel of V2-GS13

We checked our model and did not find a cause for such behaviour there. We moved on the the electronics rack and spotted the issue: GS13 In-field cables were connected to the wrong inputs on HAM2 sensor interfaces.

We ran a quick TF measurement between 500mHz and 5Hz. It confirmed that the sensors were now all correctly connected. This quick measurement is also in good accordance with what we measured on HAM-ISIs in the past which is encourraging.

TF measurement are running overnight on HAM2. They will be over by 7am. 


Note: A blinking notification was recently added to HAM-ISI overview MEDM screens (see attachement). It turns the green "measurement" button to blinking yellow when a TF is running. HAM2 overview screen can be seen on the Video6 monitor of the Control Room. 

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 10:23, Wednesday 29 August 2012 (4025)

Hugh and I added screwdriver tips under the top payload mass of HAM2-ISI last week, before the chamber was closed. They helped prevent this big mass of ~600lbs from causing unwanted resonances. Befoire/After comparison plots are attached.

We compared the latest transfer functions with the ones taken on LLO HAM2-ISI during the same phase of testing (Intitial In-Chamber Testing). Plots are attached. Accordance is good. We are confident that the unwanted resonance seen at 96Hz comes from the top mass. We plan on ajusting its boundary conditions with the optical table once the doors of HAM2 chamber are open again. 

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