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Reports until 15:52, Thursday 23 August 2012
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Thursday 23 August 2012 - last comment - 18:39, Thursday 23 August 2012(3960)
PSL running at high power

The high power stage was turned on for faraday isolator work. The PMC and FSS are locked, the ISS is unlocked while work is ongoing in the room.

The ILS had some trouble locking, but after raising the reference level to -1.2V from -1.4V it was able to continuously hold lock. The phase of the PMC LO was moved from 67 to 276. The PMC mode matching lenses were moved to the following positions:


Old position (35W) - 368mm, 10.78mm on vernier

New position (200W) - 310mm, 10.78mm on vernier


Old position (35W) - 738mm, 4.10mm on vernier

New position (200W) - 728mm, 4.10 on vernier

Position was measured on the north edge (towards HAM1) of the lens block that mounted onto the rail.

After correcting for alignment we had 126W transmitted and 30W reflected. I did not try to correct for mode matching losses, I only moved the lenses into their original positions, before we moved them to mode match the 35W laser.

The PMC ref level was changed to 1.22V from 1.11V.

The high power stage will stay on overnight but will be turned off for the weekend. I will take some DBB plots tomorrow and give everything some more time to warm up.

Comments related to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 17:21, Thursday 23 August 2012 (3967)

One more thing to note

The Florida high power beam dump at the far end of the table, used for IO power control, was not hooked up into the water manifold. We needed another high power dump for the transmitted beam through the faraday, so we hooked up the portable power meter to the water manifold and ran the Florida dump in series with it. This is only a temporary solution, as we will eventually remove the portable power meter.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 18:39, Thursday 23 August 2012 (3971)

The PMC heater does not look healthy, and has been going between rails since the transition. I'm not sure what is causing this, but I think it'd be worse to leave the PMC with the heater off so I'm leaving it in this state overnight.

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