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Reports until 18:51, Thursday 23 August 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Thursday 23 August 2012 (3972)
HAM3 installation arm removed

In prep for a few days of dirty cabling/EE work under/around HAM3/2, we removed the HAM installation arm from HAM3.  The arm will next be used on HAM2 in another week or two.  Bubba/Hugh/Mitchell (and maybe one or two others?) put the HAM3 East door on.  Tomorrow the other HAM3 and possibly both HAM2 doors will also go on.  Other notes about MC2/MC3:

Both MC2 and PR2 in-vacuum cables have been plugged in, completing all routing.  Signals are reading out in the appropriate medms. 

Grounding was checked and mitigated on in-vacuum MC2 and MC3 cables. 

B&K Hammer measurements were run on MC2.

MC2 has been left fully suspended, PR2 is locked however.

Cleanroom vacuums were tested chamberside.  Particle counter alarmed a few times, as expected.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.