Reports until 08:58, Friday 24 August 2012
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:58, Friday 24 August 2012 (3973)
HAUX build: finished! (almost)
[Giacomo, Deepak]

Owing to the invaluable help of Deepak and the support of a lot of people on- and off-site (thanks all for searching, investigating, procuring, shipping, etc.,..), HAUX build has gone smoothly and swiftly.

As of yesterday night, we have 5 complete suspensions, that you can admire in the attached pictures.

If you can't see the optics, it not because they are very clean: as they were not immediately available due to needed FirstContact work, we decided that the suspensions could be completed (including wiring) without the optics, and the optics added later (procedure in which we have been forced in the past to become experts). Because of that, we didn't even put in OSEMs and magnets. Altogether this would probably amount to another 1/2 to 1 hour of work per suspension.

The plan for today is probably to move the suspensions chamber-side, and then give priority to setting up electronics and cabling to exploit David Feldbaum experience (it's his last day here). After that's taken care of, we'll FC the optics, insert them and then proceed to the testing phase.
Images attached to this report