Reports until 08:23, Monday 27 August 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:23, Monday 27 August 2012 (3993)
Ground loop transfer function comparison on HAM3 MC2

Last week, we ran a transfer function of MC2 Top BOSEMs with some of it's cables intentionally grounded (shorted them with a small section of wire to metal in the chamber).  The attached plot shows the grounded longitudinal TF trace (blue) with the non-grounded trace (red), as well as the "nominal" trace taken during Phase 2b (black).  We do not see much difference in the noise between the grounded and non-grounded traces.  Note, the red and blue were taken with the purge on and soft covers off so the peaks are flattened a bit due to air damping.

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