Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 17:29, Monday 27 August 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:29, Monday 27 August 2012 (4002)
H1 SUS MC1 & MC3 MEDMs populated
The H1 SUS MC1 & MC3 MEDMs were populated with the standard matrix elements, filter modules, and basic configuration for an HSTS suspension. The H1MC1 open light values   and open light values for H1MC3 were copied over from X1 testing.  The open-light values for the H1MC3 M2 & M3 stages are copied over from the H1MC2 values. The correct open light values need to be recorded for the H1MC3 M2 & M3 OSEMs.

Safe-state snapshot files were committed to the CDS SVN locally under:

with filenames:

The appropriate soft-links were created in the directories: 
with the default filename "safe.snap" for each optic for use by the RCG code when restarting models.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.