Reports until 16:25, Tuesday 28 August 2012
H2 General
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4014)
H2 One Arm Locked Segments
Below is information I sent to Det. Char. and DASWG last week.

Generation of H2 OAT Locked Segments is now running as a cron job on ldas-pcdev1 at LHO. It runs once per day.

The segments exist from Jul 19 2012 07:59:44 PDT. (Note that LDAS has been archiving all raw H2 data since Jul 06 2012 19:00:00 UTC.)

The segments are updated via cron one per day such that segments up to ~8 am Pacific time of the current day should appear by ~10:30 am of the same day.

The segments are going into the database, and are called


To retrieve the segments from the database, from the LSC clusters run for example, 


$ ligolw_segment_query --database --query-segments --include-segments
H2:DCH-ONE_ARM_TEST_LOCKED:1 --gps-start-time 1029674400 --gps-end-time
1029682800 | ligolw_print -t segment:table -c start_time -c end_time -d " "

Thi example returns,

1029674400 1029678900
1029679800 1029680340
1029680400 1029681180
1029681300 1029681360
1029681420 1029681480
1029682740 1029682800

The segments are also output in ASCII, and available in segwizard format here,

and in plain startTime endTime format here,

For experts:

The segments are generated by running, for example,

$ -i H2 -t H2_M --min-lock-duration=1 -c h2_onearm_locked.ini --seginsert-inifile h2_onearm_seginsert.ini --lasttimes-file h2_onearm_lasttimes.txt
-bash-4.1$ cat h2_onearm_locked.ini 

where h2_onearm_locked.ini contains this one line,

 ALS-Y_REFL_B_PWR_OUT16.mean 4300 10000

which means, the criteria for lock is that H2:ALS-Y_REFL_B_PWR_OUT16.mean is between 4300 and 10000.

The script,, is in Det Char CVS here:

CVS/Root =

CVS/Repository = detchar/code/psl