Reports until 17:36, Tuesday 28 August 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:36, Tuesday 28 August 2012 (4017)
h1 maintenance day

All H1 front ends were rebuilt against RCG tag2.5.1 which provides an IPC Dolphin fix. Front ends were restarted in conjuction with the timing upgrade work. The following models obtained an ini file change in the upgrade

h1hpiham2, h1hpiham3, h1susmc2, h1suspr2, h1sussr2.

The H1 PSL had a complete code upgrade, making it identical to the L1 PSL code. Generic template models for ISS, FSS, PMC and DBB were applied. I also rearranged bus selector order to fix crossing connectors on the top level models. All PSL ini files showed a change. Some issue with creation and use of burt snapshot files was found and is being worked.

H2 DAQ was restarted to resync the ini file changes mentioned above.

We attempted to reproduce the slow epics problem by speeding up the backup of h1boot, but were unable to see the problem. When it appears again we have a suggested front end epics sequencer fix to try.

The H1 DMT broadcaster machine was installed by Alex. We are working some networking issues before testing this system.

some burt restore errors on the safe.snap files were seen on h1pslfss (mentioned above) and h1susim.