Reports until 17:16, Friday 31 August 2012
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:16, Friday 31 August 2012 (4034)
HAUX: proper testing started

[Alex, Cheryl, Deepak, Giacomo]

Yesterday morning we couldn't work to the suspensions due to drilling going on in the LVEA. We used the morning to debug the binary IO: now it is working properly and both the LP status and the Coil Output can be enabled and disabled from the front-end as expected.

In the afternoon we carried a large HxTS barrel from the staging building, changed the disposition of HAUX and cover all of them with the barrel, to ease the effect of air turbulence when taking transfer functions and PSDs. The suspensions were left covered and undamped (and no ECD)for the night. Note that we found the position of many of the OSEMs to be offset by couple hundreds um (or more), while they were initially set to be centered better (sometimes much better) than 100 um. Later investigation (this afternoon) suggested that this was due to a combination of:

- the table not being completely leveled (or flat), so that when you move the suspensions around the position of the optics slightly changes

- the frames being unevenly clamped (we only used 3 clamps yesterday as we didn't know where to find others...)

- the OSEM being not very well tightened, so some of them may have moved during handling of the cables and the suspensions to fit them under the barrel.

We also found that leaving the uninstalled ECD close to the base (instead of putting them further away) did not noticeably affect the position of the optic, as initially suspected (however, installing the ECD does change the pitch, as observed before).


Today we adjusted the pitch of all suspensions to 0+-0.5 mrad (assuming the table levelled to this precision, that we were unable to check) using an optical lever (actually IM4 should be adjusted to +4.1 mrad, but since all the suspensions will need to be balanced again once we put he ECD in, we didn't bother).

We centered the OSEMs (intial centering was well within +- 50 um, but after moving them around it degraded to a little better than +-80), cleaned the setup a bit, clamped the suspensions with 4 clamps each and left them under the barrel.

I took TF of Y, P and L (attached), applying small actuation offsets to make the OSEM work around the central position. The transfer functions show no sign of problems, although the peaks are not exactly all in the same place (as already observed at LLO and expected, as the HAUX design does not include any mechanism to fine tune the resonances' position).

At about 22:05 I left the suspensions quiet and with damping off for the night, so tomorrow we can retrieve data for PSDs.

Images attached to this report