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Reports until 16:15, Thursday 30 August 2012
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Thursday 30 August 2012 (4040)
PMC mode matching

This is a summary of fine tuning the mode matching into the PMC for the 35W laser. The attached spreadsheet lists the power of each mode looking at ISS_PDA_DC hooked into an oscilloscope. The position of the lenses L2 and L3 is measured from the lens's block's edge facing HAM1. After moving a lens the alignment peak was minimized to below 10mV and was not included in this spreadsheet. Mode power is measured in mV and going to the 'right' of the 00 mode. The strongest peak is the last one (first to the 'left') and looks similar to a 11 Laguerre-gaussian mode. I believe the second mode listed is the 02 mode, however most are too faint to see clearly.

The best position appears to be

L2: 368mm

L3: 738mm

Note that this is very different for the 200W laser. For the 200W laser, the lenses are at:

L2: 310mm

L3: 728mm

I do not have other numbers for the 200W laser.

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