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Reports until 08:39, Thursday 09 December 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:39, Thursday 09 December 2010 (405)
new awiki advligo wiki server
Jonathan, Patrick, Dave.

On Tue 7th we ported the advance ligo wiki service from the old iligo wiki machine (called wiki on the 10.2 network behind the ruby NAT router) to a new GC machine dedicated to the advligo wiki. The new machine is a centos linux, using ligo.org authentication. The new machine uses the lastest moinmoin version, whereas the old wiki had a very old copy of moinmoin.

The move required:
Copying the data content (2.9GB of files) and porting from old to new wiki format.
Transposing authors from the local accounts to the ligo.org equivalents
Automatically redirecting access to the old advligo URL to the new URL

The new wiki is at https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu

Questions, Comments, Problems should be emailed to wiki-help@ligo-wa.caltech.edu
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