Reports until 13:23, Wednesday 05 September 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:23, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4093)
H2SUS ETMY & ITMY Foton text files under SVN control
As of now, Foton filter text files for H2SUS ETMY & ITMY are now under SVN control in the "cds_user_apps" repository.  Previously, the text files were written to the "/chans/" directory locally:

This directory now contains soft-link names "H2SUSITMY.txt" & "H2SUSETMY.txt" which point to the actual SVN-controlled Foton files located:

with the same filenames, "H2SUSITMY.txt" & "H2SUSETMY.txt".  

Edits to these files should be written to the SVN directory (and committed) and NOT to the "/chans/" directory.  Doing so will break the soft-link pointer.