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Reports until 16:07, Wednesday 05 September 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4097)
HAM1 iLIGO Support Table Installed

(Bubba, Corey, Hugh)

Once we had access to the forklift & the South crane, the west door of HAM1 was removed.  Risers (vertical spacers) were placed on the Support Tubes, and then the Support Table was brought into the Chamber & lowered onto the Spacers.  3/8"-24 x 3" Ag-plated bolts were then used to secure the Spacers & Support Table on to the Support Tubes. 

We didn't have a torque wrench, but torqued the eastern row of bolts "wrench-tight" (should be confirmed later); the western row of bolts were just hand tightened.  The lifting hardware is still on the Support Table (along with tooling).

Next up, we can begin craning the rest of our iLIGO Isolation Stack hardware over to HAM1 and continue the build-up.

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