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Reports until 14:49, Thursday 06 September 2012
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:49, Thursday 06 September 2012 (4115)
Bug in plotHSTS_dtttfs.m
Mark B and Jeff B.

We stumbled across a nasty bug in the Matlab script plotHSTS_dtttfs.m. We were trying to generate plots for PRM data from 9/5/12 at 1900, but the script was failing to write the expected files. Eventually we realized it was writing files with "1300" for the time. This was because there was a line

fileInfo = dir([dataDir '*' meas.yyyymmdd '*tf.txt']); 

which was intended to look for all files in the Data directory matching the date/time pattern specified in the settings at the top of the script. Unfortunately it omitted any reference to the time, which meant the subsequent search would always find the first dataset for the day. We changed it to match the equivalent HLTS script which has

fileInfo = dir([dataDir '*' meas.yyyymmdd '_' meas.hhmm '*tf.txt']); 

and committed it as r3308.

As far as past data goes, no raw data will have been corrupted. We _think_ all PDFs and any diagnoses and approvals based on them should be valid - even if data for some particular excitation DOF was read from a file with the wrong time, the resulting PDFs should have same time in their names, so the names would match the contents. However what was displayed in Matlab figure windows would sometimes have been old data if there was more than data set for the requested day. Also, a corrupt .mat file could conceivably have been generated if a partial data set was taken in the morning (e.g., only 3 excitation DOFs) and a full one in the afternoon.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.