Reports until 16:24, Friday 07 September 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Friday 07 September 2012 (4131)
WHAM1 Support Table Coarse Alignment Complete
Jim, Greg, Mitchell, & Jason (IAS)

We got the Risers & Support Table into the Chamber Tuesday (Corey).  Wednesday we stayed pretty quiet.  Thursday we torqued the Support Table to Support Tube bolts and then surveyed the Support Table for vertical.  It was level to +-0.1mm but low 0.8mm.  Today we pulled the East door and IAS gave us horizontal moves.  This afternoon we moved the dial indicators from HAM2 to HAM1, floated the system and moved the position and adjusted the elevation (based on the DIs).)  We have a little more adjustment in horizontal now but ran out of time so we locked up the HEPI stops after adjusting the F-Clamp position where needed.
Next week we'll do a couple more tweaks and be ready for IAS to do another check.  We'll then lock up HEPI again and attempt a stress relieve on the Springs.
Finally we'll get back to building the isolation stacks and installing the Optical Table.