Reports until 16:14, Monday 10 September 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Monday 10 September 2012 (4147)
Initial Alignment of HAM1 Support Table complete
Jim & Hugh

Based on our dial indicators, we had a little more aligning to do left over from Friday.  We did that and then fine tuned the elevation, again with the dial indicators.
Next we opened up the Chamber and shot the position with the Sokkia SetIIX.  The East/West position was right there (y=0), of course the machine only reads out to the millimeter.  The North/South position was due west of monument LV25 with the west end of the Support Table 2" (<0.1mm south) and the east end 14" or <0.2mm north.
So with the position confirmed we checked the level of the Table.  It is 0.1mm low and level to +-0.1mm.  Tomorrow we'll start building the stack, if we have the forklift.

Attached are my notes from this for your perusal.
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