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Reports until 16:43, Tuesday 11 September 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4157)
WHAM1 iLIGO passive Seismic Isolation Installed--Optical Table Next
ScottL BubbaG & Hugh

No issues with this.   First locked up HEPI.  Centering Pins in, Spring Locating Fixtures in place, Springs in place.  Lift the Mass, position over Pins, lower to placement.  Pull Centering Pins, replace with Safety Pins or Leg Screws, remove Locating Fixture.  Next, repeat seven times.

Couple things.  The Viton cork Springs are considerably shorter so the Leg Screws, which prevent the Mass from flying off if the world turns upside down, are installed without the Custom Thick washer (D972716, 3/8"thick).  See the first photo with a comparison.
The Safety Pins D972715-5 into the Support Table are installed with a 0.089" thick vented washer although it really doesn't need it.

We are ready to fly the Optical Table to the South Bay for install.  Then payload up, level, check the height & horizontal alignment (IAS.)

See the attached photos to experience a few of the thrills we had today!
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