Reports until 18:13, Tuesday 11 September 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:13, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4162)
Fiber swap (Jax, Dick, Keita)

It turns out that somebody tripped on the fiber that runs from the PSL room to the patch panel before it was installed, so Richard and Filiberto put a new one in.

When connecting the new fiber to the fiber launcher in the PSL room, we got rid of APC-APC fiber and a long coil of APC-PC patch, and put in a shorter coil of APC-PC in place.

Upstream of the fiber launcher, the power was 3.2 mW, and about 1.8mW goes into the fiber. In the mass storage room, we're getting about 1mW, which is somewhat worse than before.

Anyway, we cannot test this configuration today as the PSL is still cooling down slowly. Tomorrow.

Tonight Vincent will run a long measurement for SEI.