Reports until 22:27, Tuesday 11 September 2012
rodica.martin@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:27, Tuesday 11 September 2012 (4166)
IO Faraday work - attempt for power measurements

Luke, Cheryl, Rodica

This morning we were planing to do measurements of the FR rotation at several input power levels, but we had to defer this until the AC issues inside PSL got solved and the temperature lowered down so that the PMC becomes stable again. Meanwhile, Cheryl and I prepared and assembled a set of posts and clamps to hold the cover over the HAM Aux-es.


The retaining rings for the FI half waveplate and DKDP came out of clean and bake in the afternoon and tomorrow we will assemble these two optics in their final mounts.


We also assembled the heat sinks for the TGG crystals and the DKDP holder and mount. Luke has been assembling the pico-motor half waveplate mount. I removed the alignment input iris as it was not useful anymore and mounted a power meter to measure the FI incident power.


Images attached to this report