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Reports until 15:05, Wednesday 12 September 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:05, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4173)
After morning meeting, the Apollo crew (Randy, Mark L., Chris) and I went to X-end to begin serious work. We spent the first hour or so moving cleanrooms into usable position while still accommodating the dome on the clean half of the floor. We moved the bang board to a more central location for cleanroom, vacuum, air handler, and computer use. Randy and I bunnied-up to do contamination inspection. We found the usual mess : fibers of various sizes at all the flange joints, a human hair in a viewport nozzle, particulate adhering to the gate valve, etc. I'm attaching one picture just because. Next, Mark L. came into the chamber so that he and Randy could do the micrometer measurements requested by Lisa Austin. Last time Lisa was here, she noticed that there is a port in exactly the area where the cryopump baffle frame is supposed to be installed. 

After lunch, the crew headed back down to work on removing viewports, illuminator, camera, etc and to document the condition of the chamber. They'll also start the wrapping of the the support tubes.
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