Reports until 16:17, Wednesday 12 September 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4174)
Modifications to QUAD M0 DC OFFSET user input
Yesterday, the H2 SUS ITMY, ETMY, & FMY user models were re-compiled and installed on the "h2susb478", "h2susb6", and "h2susb78" FrontEnds.  The custom models recompiled were "h2susitmy.mdl", "h2susetmy.mdl", & "h2susfmy.mdl".  

Note: The TMSY custom model "h2sustmsy.mdl" was NOT recompiled or installed.  However, the changes to the common library part would affect this custom model.

The modifications to the user Simulink models were at the M0 level where a common part "SIXOSEM_F_STAGE_MASTER.mdl" is used by the aforementioned custom models within another common library part, "QUAD_MASTER.mdl".  For "h2susitmy.mdl", this part is at the 'h2susitmy/ITMY/' level and is given the name "M0".  Within this sub-block, the changes were made inside the "OFFSET" block (snapshot attached).

Within this "OFFSET" block, there previously existed an "EpicsInput" block that simply was an input for the DC Alignment Offsets for Pitch and Yaw on M0.  This input block was replaced by an "IIR Filter Module" such that the ability to ramp the gain is easily accessible via the MEDMs.

The previous channels for the DC Offset were labelled:

As of now, this same offset may be used via the filter module channels:

The latest OFFSET values were used for these new channels (from an auto-burt snapshot saved just before the changes):
H2:SUS-ITMY_M0_OFFSET_P 1 5.773156262190410e+03
H2:SUS-ITMY_M0_OFFSET_Y 1 7.655051822649471e+02

H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_P 1 -3.026901455243990e+03
H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_Y 1 5.405575230252840e+03

As for changes to the MEDM screens, links to the RCG-generated filter module MEDMs were created inside the "SUS_CUST_QUAD_M0_ALIGNOFFSET.adl" file located locally in the directory:

All changes to user models and MEDM files were committed to the "cds_user_apps" SVN repository.
Images attached to this report