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Reports until 16:17, Wednesday 12 September 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4175)
WHAM1 SEI Optical Table in Place
ScottL BubbaG & Hugh

Again no hangups in installing this platform.  We positioned the final layer of Springs, centered up the 0.275" (D972716-3) Alum Shim and the Viton Pad D972716, & installed the centering pins.  So ready to go--see photo below.

Then the Optical Table was lifted in, tweaked into position over the pins, and, tellingly without any pushing/pulling of the four independent Mass stacks, lowered the Table over the pins and landed.  The pins are replaced with Safety Screws, again like yesterday, without the Custom Thick Washer and suddenly it was lunch time.  My camera battery died so I didn't get any further photos but we need to payload up and I'll get more pics then.
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