Reports until 16:27, Wednesday 12 September 2012
LHO General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:27, Wednesday 12 September 2012 (4176)
Ops Day Summary:
Current Issues:
- FMCS was down when I came in today - it's still down...
- instrument air at Mid-X had a real failure that Kyle is working on

Morning meeting notes:

noise until 1PM is OK, then Keita needs quiet time

MC2 - will be fixed as directed after transfer functions

passive stack install is ongoing

ISC rack install ongoing

Faraday work continues

Test cap used to test inside glass of PSL input viewport.
Outside - glass mount modified to connect inside volume to vacuum.
Light pipe left off until light needed in chamber.

prep for cleaning and measurements
cleaning may start tomorrow

assembly is ongoing

ISC table is still open in LVEA, with optics exposed
Shipping for Squeezer is planned
Controls Solutions - here to muck with HVAC to check sensors for flow
Electric - FM200 system check tomorrow
Ray Pollen Construction here to fill water tanks in outbuildings tomorrow

Issue from yesterday:
PSL AC off, causing temperture increase in PSL laser room by 8 degC.
Why did AC issue with PSL happen?  We don't fully understand the systems.  HVAC system was in alarm.  Readings for temperatures comes through BECKOFF, which was powered off last Friday, and when powered up again, didn't read new temperatures, but just braodcast the last known state, so was giving bogus data, so we didn't get an alarm, and didn't know the AC wasn't working.