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Reports until 16:05, Thursday 13 September 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Thursday 13 September 2012 (4193)
Added 90 kg of payload makeup Mass to HAM3 Optical Table
Scott & Hugh

The first layer of D0901075 mass was positioned (9 pieces on the west, north & south sides) and bolted down sometime ago per D1000907-v1.  I didn't add the second layer so as to improve the access for cable routing and other work.  The six stacks (12 pieces-120kg) have not been added to the east side of the ISI table.
Today we put the second layer, another 90kg, on to the first layer of positioned stacks. These are secured with final fasteners.
See the attached photo for a view from the west.

With the go ahead, I'd like to get the rest of the payload in position asap but only if it won't interfere with Aux/IO work.
Images attached to this report
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