Reports until 09:42, Friday 14 September 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:42, Friday 14 September 2012 (4199)
CDS Main File server RAID error, system went into read-only mode

The CDS main file server cdsfs0 glitched this morning at 04:05 and put itself into readonly mode. This is the second time this has happened this week after many months since the last occurance. The other failure this week was at  16:20 Monday 10th.

The two failures are different, Monday locked the computer up completely, today we were able to log in and look at the logs. We cleanly powered it down and Jim performed the power cycle. Everything came back up and the control workstations should be operational.

here are the logs for the two events:

Sep 10 16:20:49 cdsfs0 kernel: [1167428.800898] 3w-9xxx: scsi0: ERROR: (0x06:0x0036): Response queue (large) empty failed during reset sequence.

Sep 14 04:05:36 cdsfs0 kernel: [299840.564536] 3w-9xxx: scsi0: ERROR: (0x06:0x0010): Microcontroller Error: clearing.