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Reports until 18:18, Friday 14 September 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:18, Friday 14 September 2012 - last comment - 08:59, Saturday 15 September 2012(4206)
Short, glitch-free time for OAT+PSL = exactly the same as before

For 20 minutes (from Sep/14/2012 23:56-ish to Sep/15/2012 00:14:15 UTC), one arm was locked with WFS, without excitation/ring-heater, with PSL, before Aidan started injection.

PSL HEPAs, make up air, and ACs were all fully ON.

Anyway, while talking to Aidan I noticed that it was not as glitchy as the day before, and close to the end of the above mentioned period there was a few glitch-free time long enough to capture 8 averages BW=0.094Hz spectrum with dtt, that's whopping 72 seconds of glitch free time per each spectrum!

OK, nothing to be excited about, they (red and blue) look mostly the same as the best-ish data with refcav in the optics lab (green). PSL might be slightly (e.g. 2 dB) better between 1 and 2 Hz.

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Comments related to this report
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 08:59, Saturday 15 September 2012 (4209)

The other good news is that the PSL RefCav doesn't have any spikes between 3 Hz and ~50 Hz, which is good for feedback to the Quad.

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