Reports until 10:51, Sunday 16 September 2012
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:51, Sunday 16 September 2012 - last comment - 14:45, Monday 17 September 2012(4211)
PRM (HSTS) Phase 1b M1-M1 Transverse TFs - SD BOSEM Location Swapped
[Jeff B, Stuart A]

Jeff B posted Phase 1b M1-M1 TFs for PRM (HSTS) in LHO aLOG entry 4195. These recent TFs from 2012−09−06_2000, with damping OFF, show a Y to T coupling at 1.1 and 2.05 Hz. This coupling goes away with damping ON, as can be seen in the TFs from 2012-09-10_0900.

Jeff K had made some comments regarding the nature of this Y to T cross coupling in LHO aLOG entry 3831, outlining possible scenarios for how it could be caused. 

As a consequence, it was requested that Jeff B switched the "side" of the SD BOSEM [i.e. +T] to the opposite side of the PRM structure [-T], and accordingly change the sign of the SD BOSEM gain in the OSEM OUTPUT FILTERS, from -1 to +1.

Following these changes, repeat TFs were taken Friday afternoon for just the T DOF.

A comparison plot showing the TF for the T DOF both before and after swapping the side location of the BOSEM is available below. Pot Key:-

Blue Trace   = Model Prediction
Orange Trace = X1 PRM M1 (2012-09-06_2000) - SD BOSEM on as-built side
Black Trace  = X1 PRM M1 (2012−09−14_1700) - SD BOSEM on opposite side

It can be seen that swapping the side location of the BOSEM appears to have mitigated the Y to T cross coupling!  

n.b. all data, plots and scripts have been committed to the sus SVN as of this entry.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - 14:45, Monday 17 September 2012 (4220)
Andres R. Jeff B.

  This morning before moving the side BOSEM back to its proper location, I visually realigned the magnet/flag assembly on that side, squaring it to the edge of the Upper Mass Base Plate. We took another transverse transfer function, which shows the cross coupling has disappeared. We are currently taking a full set of un-damped TFs on PRM as a sanity check.