Reports until 15:14, Tuesday 18 September 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Tuesday 18 September 2012 - last comment - 16:05, Tuesday 18 September 2012(4238)
MC3 Phase 2a testing Prep

MC3 has all 6 top BOSEMs plugged in and backed off in prep for new OLVs and gain settings.  As well, we've attempted to fix the side BOSEM flag cross coupling - we indeed found the flag to be mounted quite crocked and have straightened it.  TFs will tell us if the cross-coupling is alleviated.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 15:57, Tuesday 18 September 2012 (4240)

While rechecking the open light voltage offsets on the MC3 INMONs, I noticed that the T2 BOSEM gain was set to 1.405 (likely instead of 1.045).  Possibly this is what was causing heart ache during the testing phase immediately after the build across the street in the staging building on this sus.  The gain should now be set to 1.049 since I remeasured with the sus on the production cables/electronics.  Attached is a snapshot of the inmon setting before my work today.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 16:05, Tuesday 18 September 2012 (4241)

And the new settings from today snapshotted below - mostly small number tweeks except for the T2 gain noted above.


The burt restore file to be used should be the cds auto one at:


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