Reports until 15:47, Wednesday 19 September 2012
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:47, Wednesday 19 September 2012 (4251)
BSC#4 Locker assembly issues found and general ISI assembly status
Started assembling BSC#4's lockers today and encountered a rather annoying issue, which, I vaguely recall, we may have run into before. When inserting the Stage 1-2 locker sleeves (D1000875) into the locker housing (D1000908) I could thread the sleeve down into the housing, but couldn't get it down the last 1/4 inch. I suspect that there is some manufacturing issue with the sleeve, because I had no such difficulties with the Stage 0-1 parts, which use the same housing. The sleeve does have very tight tolerances to the housing, so a small error in concentricity would totally screw this up. There are a couple of pretty easy fixes for this (lathe the interfering part down, or electropolish a couple tenths off) but the sleeve is coated with a anti-friction treatment, which will need to be re-applied and thus slow down re-processing after the fix. I was able to find enough sleeves that happened to work (3 out of 7 tried) to keep BSC#4 moving, but this job took 3 times as long as it should have.

Otherwise BSC#4 is going well, the superstructure is assembled and is now waiting to be populated with sensors, springs, lockers, etc. We are also slowly working towards getting the other staging building test stand converted so we can start on #5, whose Stage 0 plates are currently waiting on the floor for some free table space.