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Reports until 14:46, Tuesday 26 June 2018
chandra.romel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:46, Tuesday 26 June 2018 (42664)
EX VEA temp raised 3degF

{Betsy, Bubba, Chandra, Jeff K, Jim W}

After discussions with Betsy and Jeff, Bubba increased the VEA temperate at EX by 3degF, from 65F to 68F, per request from vacuum group, to increase water vapor outgassing rate and speed up pump down. SUS team will assess the quad later in the week to check for rubbing/contact issues. Jim has agreed to realign BRS. Through this exercise we may establish a new nominal room temperature for EX.

Note: for every 6degC (10.8F), outgassing rate doubles

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