Reports until 17:38, Friday 21 September 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:38, Friday 21 September 2012 (4275)
3" steering mirror behind PR2 installed in HAM3
- Cheryl, Deepak, Luke

The 3" steering mirror behind PR2 was installed in HAM3.  The 3" black glass that sits behind the mirror in it's mount turned out to be more like 2.8", so the set screw is almost fully through it's threaded hole, and does firmly hold the black glass in place.  The 3" optic had the First Contact removed from the back surface, and there appeared to be possible FC left  around the very edge in a number of places.  I wiped the edge with acetone, and some features were removed, but most remained, and after looking at it with Betsy, it seemed like the features could be the edge of the AR coating.  I put the optic in it's mount, with the HR side still covered with FC, and we installed it into HAM3.

Work installing into HAM3 will continue on Monday.