Reports until 16:50, Monday 24 September 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:50, Monday 24 September 2012 - last comment - 14:24, Tuesday 25 September 2012(4284)
HAM3 sled 2

Sadly, the 2" lens on the QPD sled for HAM3 was scratched during the transport from the lab to the LVEA. When we took the sled assembly out of the bag and unwrapped, under a strong lighting it was clear that the center of 2" lens surface that faces outside was scratched, most probably by the aluminum foil that was used to cover the entire assembly. We couldn't blow it off using nitrogen gun, so it's not just particulates.

We have more of these lenses and we'll have one class-A-ed ASAP so the impact on schedule is minimal, but next time we transport any super polished optics, I'll make sure that I first cover it using Vectra Alpha 10 wipe for protection befure wrapping it in the foil. The reason why it was not done was because I couldn't find Vectra wipes in the lab, but it seems like no wipe = no transport.

Comments related to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - 14:24, Tuesday 25 September 2012 (4291)
It is worth noting that in most cases, we prefer to cover larger items with a C-3 cover for transport. A BSC door cover would probably work well for this task.