Reports until 10:02, Tuesday 25 September 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:02, Tuesday 25 September 2012 (4289)
OK WHAM1 Height issues resolved--yes blame me, again!
In addition to the backsight error I've been fighting against since 17Sept, see aLOGs 4223 & 4242, and disclosed in yesterday's log 4286; this morning I realized all this time I had failed to correct my target elevation for the HAM1 global to local level difference.  This now puts the Optical Table ~5mm low and this is well explained by the modeled vs measured compression of the Viton Springs which has put the Table 5.33mm lower than planned.

I will correct the incorrect payload noted in aLOG 4242 (11.25lbs) but this won't do too much to change the height and then we'll adjust the vertical to within spec using HEPI.

Thank to everyone for patiently helping me for the past week.