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Reports until 21:12, Thursday 27 September 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:12, Thursday 27 September 2012 - last comment - 21:15, Thursday 27 September 2012(4328)
BSFM02 moved off of the Test Stand and into a box

After 2 hours and at least 48 picks with the manual Genie fork lift (including forks on, forks off, forks on, forks off, repeat) we finally got the BSFM02 out from under the solid stack/test stand and into it's storage container.  Those darn test stands just aren't roomy enough or tall enough for easy SUS maneuvers.


The storage box is still parked in the cleanroom since we need to add a gasket to the door for proper sealing.  It is sitting to the North with all of the other tables such that the cleanroom can be pushed North to facilitate removal of the solid stack.


For the record, the Top BOSEMs and Top BOSEM cables are still attached to the suspension.  Also the shear plates were installed this morning and are with the sus in the box.  All parts are recorded in the assembly record for BSFM02 (under D1000392) in ICS.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 21:15, Thursday 27 September 2012 (4329)

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