Reports until 12:19, Monday 01 October 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:19, Monday 01 October 2012 (4335)
BSC8 De-Install/BSC1 Install Prep
On Friday, 28 Sep, the cleanroom was rolled to the north, then the solid stack was craned off the test stand and preserved clean. This morning, the test stand was wiped down. After lunch, the cleanroom was moved back over the test stand: the cleanroom/test stand and general area will be cleaned in preparation for the cartridge.

After some examination this morning, I was able to improvise both garbing and staging space in the iLIGO cleanroom atop the e-module. Jim Warner was instrumental in carrying out the plan. Apollo craned garbing/staging accoutrement to the e-module and things are close to ready.