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Reports until 16:21, Monday 01 October 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Monday 01 October 2012 - last comment - 09:57, Tuesday 02 October 2012(4338)
PR2 AOSEM swapped

We finally swapped the M3 stage UL AOSEM which had a cracked filter (s/n 242).  The new unit (s/n 212) has an OLV of 26640.  Stuart reset the PR2 M3 UL OSEMINF offset to -13320 and the gain to 1.126.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 09:57, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4346)

I'll back log that we also straightened the side flag mount in an attempt to reduce cross-coupling noted in Phase 2a/b testing earlier.  We released the masses into suspension and Stuart ran TFs last night. 

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