Reports until 09:45, Tuesday 02 October 2012
H1 SEI - posted 09:45, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4345)
HAM2-ISI - (Pre) Control & Commissioning - Control Loops Level-2 are ON

I installed the HAM-ISI control loops level-2 on HAM2-ISI. To do so, I had to implement the notches I already added to the level-1 loops. I also added a couple other notches to respect the gain margin requirements.
Simulation Plots

Switching from level-1 to level-2 with the MEMD command window worked well, without tripping the ISI watchdogs.

I took sprectra on HAM2-ISI with those loops on. I compared those spectra with the ones measured yesterday, in the following configuration:
  - no active control
  - Damping only
  - Cotrol level-1 with boost and notches

Data is under the SVN. Spectra are attached.

Images attached to this report