Reports until 10:59, Tuesday 02 October 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:59, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4349)
Dust Monitor at EY Alarm Levels Changed:
I consulted with Patrick, and the dust monitor at EY that was alarming this morning had alarm levels that are used for sampling inside a clean room.  The dust monitor may still be in the clean room, but the clean room is off, so I set the alarm levels to the nominal "outside" a cleanroom numbers.  This change is to EY dust monitor 1.

In cleanroom: for both 0.5u and 0.3u 
Minor = 100.0
Major = 200.0

Outside cleanroom:

for 0.5u:
Minor = 20000.0
Major = 100000.0

for 0.3u:
Minor = 10000.0
Major = 50000.0